The RAB Trust met in March to discuss this year’s applications and make the awards. Of the 16 students applying, 14 received awards ranging from work placements, BVMA short courses, funding for tools and books, and some donated tools in good condition. Some were rewarded for impressive work shown in their applications, others had smaller awards offering help and encouragement. Details of the individual awards are listed on this page:
The Trust had several bequests and donations of quality items this year which will go in our tool sales, enabling students to buy tools, wood and books at knock down prices while raising funds for the Trust.
The Trustees were delighted to welcome 3 new trustees, all once students at Newark who have gone on to make a mark in the trade. Libby Summers runs her own violin shop, Stamford Strings, Sheena Laurie is an independent maker/restorer based in Scotland, and Adam Winskill, who worked with Matthew Wing when he left Newark, is now an independent restorer in North London. We feel they will bring new skills and fresh ideas to the Trust and look forward to working with them.