The RAB Trust held their annual meeting in central London on Friday 13th March, the day before lock down measures were announced. As the Covid-19 clouds gathered we dealt with business in the morning and after lunch the student applications were assessed and awards for 2020 discussed and agreed. I look back wistfully on this now, not knowing at the time it would be the last face-to-face gathering any of us would have for what may be many months.
The Covid-19 pandemic has of course affected violin making students, who have seen their courses closed. Some are able at least to continue working at home, and to those students who we have awarded funds to buy tools this will at least go some way to making this time more productive. Work placement awards have been allocated and hopefully can be arranged in the not too distant future.
The work of the RAB Trust will be needed more than ever, to help fund essential tools for students who have seen a reduction in their teaching hours and additional strain on their finances. Any financial assistance to boost the funds of the Trust will be much needed and appreciated at this time. Please visit our support section.